Sunday, June 28, 2009

Absolutely Right

It's about time that SOMEONE, SOMWEHERE do something about the shameful state of post-graduate education in America. I'll just pick one example with which I have intimate experience, Law School.

The vast majority of Americans have no idea how insane Law Schools have become. Law school is no longer a place to simply learn the law. It's not a place to understand the legal and moral implications of notice pleading, or of the importance and historical foundations of hearsay and it's exceptions. Nor do students learn the importance of phrasing rights in the negative, or why anyone (much less our Founders) thought that was so important that the enumerated rights in Amendments 1,2,4,5,8,9, and 10 of the Constitution are phrased that way: "...shall not be infringed..." "Congress shall make no law""...shall not be violated...".

Oh, no. Law school and law professors now concern themselves with much weightier subjects.

Or whether Family Law should be (somehow) forced to integrate "cultural cliteracy" into it's jurisprudence. Yes, you read that right. A female law professor actually wrote a "scholarly" law review article wherein she investigated whether failing to please your wife sexually should give a woman grounds for divorce.

Nevermind that this idea is totally insane, and would literally undo centuries of equal rights progress in the Western world, throwing our culture back to the days of spouses as chattel. Nevermind that, because instead of subjecting this lunatic idea to meaningful criticism, the legal academy politely claps and lets is pass, because to do otherwise would be "offensive" and "intolerant."

Nevermind all the high-minded reasons. The reason to get upset is that, the unfortunate taxpayers of the State of Wisconsin were actually forced to PAY THIS PROFESSOR'S SALARY while she played third grade made-up-word games and pretended to research and write a paper on this topic. Does the term "cultural cliteracy" not cause visions of Beavis and Butthead sniggering about "clit" to appear before your eyes?
"Beavis, she said, 'Clit', He-heh!"

"Shut up Butthead, you don't even know what that means."
So, now, one of these wacko law professors wants a prestigious job in the Obama adminstration and a Senator has the uncommon good sense to refuse to play the charade any longer. Good for Senator Chambliss (R, GA).

If you're a law professor and you've got nothing better to do with your time than writing a law review article for the sole purpose of seeing how ridiculous you can be, dare I suggest that you are a MONUMENTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. If you've got so much time and energy, why don't you volunteer to help a young entrepreneur file a proper articles of incorporation? Why don't you offer your wisdom on tax and regulatory law to help a struggling young business fend off illegitimate, and unnecessarily burdensome licensing requirements (that require hot dog vendors in LA to pay a $600.00/year fee and buy a $25,000.00 food cart?).

In short, instead of wasting taxpayer's money, and instead of spending valuable class time inundating your student's young, impressionable minds with radical, useless (and fundamentally dangerous) propaganda, why don't you DO SOMETHING USEFUL.

Because they'd rather feed their own egos spewing propaganda at adoring ILs. That's why. Disgusting.


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