Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Imagine that our new President were afforded the EXACT treatment his predecessor got, from day one.  Imagine the howls of protest and indignation we'd hear from the very same people who have spent the last 8 years befouling our national civic discourse with their perversion.

Imagine the Republicans in the Senate illegitimately stalling his every appointment, handicapping the new administration.  Imagine the worst slanders possible being hurled at the new President from every conceivable "news" story.  Imagine every interview and every story starting off with the hostile premise that the President's authority is illegitimate, that he's an unaccomplished dunce. Imagine a never-ending stream of disdain, arrogance, hatred, disgust, and virulent prejudice and animosity. All for little or no reason, other than the media preferred the other guy.

You can't imagine it, because it's the Left in this country who are the classless scum, with nothing better to do with their lives than indulge their petty, adolescent perversions.  Not the right.

Listen, I don't particularly like George Bush.  He is what he is.   BUT.  I don't think he was an unaccomplished dunce, nor was he some incarnation of evil.  He's not the liar the Left would make him out to be.  And he's been plenty right about some important things over the last 8 years.  Frankly, he's a guy who was elected to the Texas governorship two consecutive terms during the Clinton years, and who did fairly well.  I don't care who you are, or how connected you are, you don't get elected to a governorship twice by being a fool.  If you're too big a screw-up, the people will have your neck.  Just ask the disgraced former California governor, Gray Davis. 

At the same time, I don't particularly like Barack Obama.  He's a guy who hangs around with unrepentant, cop-killing terrorists.  He has no problems being life-long friends with a guy who actively sought the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government.  And that's not my opinion, that's what his friend openly declared and still - to this day - defends.  And, don't buy that lie about, "He's just a guy from the neighborhood."  Our new President blurbed this homegrown terrorist's book back in the late '90s.  His pastor of 20 years is a radical anti-American, jew-hating, black-nationalist, Nazi.  He's a guy who, not unlike his adversary for the Democrat nomination, sees no wrong in using his political connections to destroy perceived enemies and to enrich himself and his wife, through high-paying patronage jobs.  It may not be illegal, but it's certainly indicative of a corruption of the soul.  In fact, it has Blagojevich-style politics written all over it.

He'd be dangerous if he were halfway capable of implementing his ideas.  But, he's not, so I'm not worried.  Plus, unlike the disloyal opposition, I trust that the American people will shortly see what a truly unaccomplished man they've elected, and things will be fine in 4, or maybe even 8 years.

My only worry is that, not unlike every election we've had following Reagan's landslide in 1984, the candidates Americans have to vote for in 2012, won't be worthy of the office they seek to inhabit, or of the people they seek to represent. 

Having said all that, here's the point.  As much as I disagree with Obama's policies, you will NOT find me - ever - calling him a primate.  Or a tyrant, or any of the various names those on the Left have used against Bush, Gingrich, Reagan and any other conservative they dislike.  I am not frozen in my adolescence, doomed forever to project my perverse shortcomings onto a person whose meaningless politics I happen to disfavor.

Does that make me a better person than your average name-calling Leftist.  Yes.  


"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." --Samuel Adams

The nation has elected a lickspittle. A cowardly man, full of "knowingness" but no knowledge. A man who confuses comfort with freedom. Responsibility with entitlement. A man who measures his righteousness by his popularity.

A man who thinks that America has fulfilled Dr. King's vision, when his very election is the strongest rebuttal of Dr. King's vision I can imagine. How can you claim to have ushered in an age when people will be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, when you were elected because of the color of your skin, not the content of your character? And, finally, in order to be judged by the content of your character, first you have to have a character to judge. And you have to be willing to stand judgment.

Our newly minted president fails on all counts.